L’Inestricabile Collegamento tra Intelligenza Artificiale e Sicurezza Informatica

L'IT è sempre stata una competizione continua. L'IA introduce semplicemente una nuova categoria di strumenti da utilizzare e proteggere. Quando sarà pronta la difesa guidata dall'IA per essere implementata?



AI and cybersecurity have long been intertwined, with both sides utilizing AI to their advantage in a continuous arms race. While AI has aided in the defense against cyber threats by analyzing incoming data and blocking malicious activity, cybercriminals have also harnessed AI to identify vulnerabilities and amplify their attacks. This ongoing challenge has recently taken an interesting turn with the emergence of a new target—the business value AI system, commonly known as chatbots.

Understanding Firewalls: Protecting Business Value

Firewalls have traditionally played a crucial role in defending against attacks in the network and transport layers. Operating within the OSI model, firewalls safeguard the underlying infrastructure of the network. However, the rise of AI chatbots has presented unique challenges that require a new breed of firewall designed specifically for this purpose.

Imagine the network and transport layers as an underground chain of interconnected caverns, serving as conduits for deliveries and waste disposal. On the other hand, the application layer, where most applications interact with users, is like the pretty storefronts in a city, where customers do their shopping. The traditional firewall protects the network plumbing while an additional type of firewall, the web application firewall (WAF), safeguards the application layer.

When Bad People Attack Good AI Chatbots

The increasing popularity of generative AI has led to the deployment of AI chatbots in various fields, such as customer support, sales assistance, and medical diagnostics. However, these chatbots have become susceptible to four types of attacks:

  • Adversarial attacks: These attacks manipulate AI models by using prompts specifically designed to exploit their responses, potentially revealing sensitive information or causing embarrassing outcomes.
  • Indirect prompt injection: Attackers can embed instructions and formatting into web pages that AI chatbots scrape for information, potentially tricking the AI model into divulging personal or sensitive data.
  • Data poisoning: Developers of large language models may unknowingly inject incorrect or misleading data during the training process, leading to the generation of incorrect information by AI models.
  • Distributed denial of service (DDoS): Attackers can flood AI chatbots with queries, overwhelming their resources and slowing down or freezing their responses, disrupting the user experience.

Defending Against AI Attacks: Enter the AI Firewall

With chatbots becoming critical components of business infrastructure, the need for dedicated protection has sparked the development of AI firewalls. Cloudflare, an edge network security firm, has introduced a Firewall for AI service. This AI firewall intercepts API calls between the chatbot interface and the AI model, validating responses and detecting sensitive data. It also manages model abuses, preventing the generation of toxic or unreliable language.

The AI firewall provides several key protections, including defense against volumetric DDoS attacks, sensitive data detection, prompt validation features, and rate-limiting to filter out malicious queries. While some features are already available, prompt validation is still under beta development.

Not Entirely Ready for Prime Time

The deployment of AI firewalls and their continuous evolution is evidence of AI’s integration into mainstream business applications. As AI deployments increase, it is crucial to address security concerns and protect critical infrastructure. The future will likely witness further advancements in AI-based defenses and strategies for keeping these deployments secure.

Stay tuned for more updates on AI deployments and their impact on the business application landscape. Remember, IT has always been an arms race, and with AI, a new class of arms is both at play and being developed to ensure our systems remain protected.

## Q&A
Per ulteriori articoli su AI e sicurezza informatica, consulta questi link: 1. Come l’AI può migliorare la sicurezza informatica sfruttando la diversità 2. Così vuoi lavorare in AI? Ecco come cambiare la tua carriera 3. I Dipendenti Inseriscono Dati Sensibili in Strumenti di AI Generativa Nonostante i Rischi 4. Migliori Servizi VPN del 2024: Testati dagli Esperti 5. L’AI Generativa Ci Ha Riempito di Meraviglia nel 2023 – Ma Ogni Magia ha un Prezzo


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